Banned commercial from Centraal Beheer
Ikea and advertising agency Buzzman from Paris have released this hilarious video spot recently.The commercial features a man, who has an exceptionally fat dog. The poor thing is unable to walk, let a...Read more »
Japan certainly never fails to impress with the weirdness of their commercials. The following "weird japanese ads" prove that there are somethings you just can't understand from the land of the rising...Read more »
Very funny Ads Commercials From Thailand - Compilation 2015 Read more »
Kako bi kupce uvjerili u svježinu svojih proizvoda, jedan njemački supermarket je snimio reklamu, pravu adrenalinsku bombu. Read more »
Sit back, relax and watch 10 minutes of the best Japanese CommercialsRead more »
Sit back, relax and watch 10 minutes of the best Japanese CommercialsRead more »
Sit back, relax and watch 10 minutes of the best Japanese Commercials Read more »
Sit back, relax and watch 10 minutes of the best Japanese CommercialsRead more »
Persil Commercial: Break Dance KidPersil has released this brilliant commercial recently.The spot is part of the “Dirt is Good” campaign, which has been running for a while now. This time it features ...Read more »
Are you getting tired of the non-stop streak of cold weather? Do you miss the feel of a warm, sunny day? Then have we got the product for you! Genuine Canned Florida SunshineIngredients: 60% Sunshine,...Read more »
The commercial features a mountain goat, who would love to depict his dangerous trips on video. So he starts using TomTom Bandit Action Camera, which allows him to shoot the slightest details on his a...Read more »
Provjerite i vi zašto je ovaj video pregledan preko 3.404.914 putaČesto tajlandske kompanije naručuju dirljive kratke priče koje nemaju baš puno veze s proizvodom, ali zato ostavljaju jak utisak na lj...Read more »
Ovo je više parodija nego prava reklama, a koncept je fenomenalan. Radi se o jedinstvenom proizvodu. U pitanju je kartonska postava koja kada se raširi, može da izgleda kao ciglani zid. Glavna namjena...Read more »
Fiat 500 has released this hysterical video spot recently.It features a small car, which is being chased by a huge jeep, which loves to bully apparently. However, Fiat is not alone anymore – it is par...Read more »
Provjerite i vi zašto je ovaj video pregledan preko 3.404.914 putaČesto tajlandske kompanije naručuju dirljive kratke priče koje nemaju baš puno veze s proizvodom, ali zato ostavljaju jak utisak na lj...Read more »
It’s been well-documented here and elsewhere that Japanese culture is pretty weird. No matter how conditioned we are to expect insanity from the island nation, they still manage to surprise us somehow...Read more »
Check out the new Snickers TV ad where Mr Bean demonstrates that you’re not Kung Fu when you’re hungryRead more »
Budite zajedno. Ne identični. Poruka je to najnovije reklame za Android, u kojoj su autori iskoristili najneobičnija, ali i beskrajno iskrena prijateljstva među životinjamaRead more »
Šetala ulicom u donjem vešu i mantilu: Kako vam se sviđa moj veš?Kompanija "Lidl" je odlučila da se u okviru promocije svoje prve linije ženskog donjeg veša, našali pred Dan zaljubljenih. Angažovali s...Read more »
Kad govorimo o reklamama koje se emituju tokom Super Bowla, uglavnom govorimo o hitovima koji ubrzo nakon prikazivanja postaju internet hitovi. Međutim, neke, poput ovogodišnje Badvajzerove reklame s...Read more »
Flygresor je švedski avio prijevoznik koji je svoju najnoviju reklamu odlučio snimiti s preslatkim macama koje i inače vladaju internetom pa ne čudi popularnost promagoogle_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456...Read more »
Tvrtka 'Poo-Pourri' i ove je godine snimila božićnu reklamu kojom promoviraju svoj osvježivač zraka. U glavnoj ulozi je Djed Božićnjak koji ima problem s probavom...Reklama je sasvim prigodno nazvana ...Read more »
A great commercial You have to see it!!google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, stvoreno 2011.08.12 */ google_ad_slot = "2114137887"; google_ad_width = 336; google_ad_height = 280; go...Read more »
You all know Steven Seagal. He’s the martial artist who starred in such classics as Hard to Kill, Marked for Death, and Above the Law.He was also in Under Siege but if you’re like us the only thing yo...Read more »
Fabula Gaming tvrtka je koja je bavi izradom igara za smartphone, a jednu od njih promoviraju vrlo zanimljivom reklamom koja i nema previše veze s nogometom...google_ad_client = "ca-pub-64124563002766...Read more »
Proizvođač piva u krajnje neobičnoj kampanji, a sve to u cilju podizanja svijesti građana, prvenstveno vozača koji sjedaju za volan u pripitom stanju. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* ...Read more »
Japanese Funny Commercialsgoogle_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, stvoreno 2011.08.12 */ google_ad_slot = "2114137887"; google_ad_width = 336; google_ad_height = 280; google_ad_clien...Read more »
Cristiano Ronaldo wants everyone to look as pretty as him!Yes! Everyone needs to stick things in their mouth and exercise. It's the secret to how Cristiano Ronaldo got so good looking. And lots of peo...Read more »
Evian has a long history of incorporating creepy CGI babies in its ads, and an equally long history of viewers gobbling it up like it's some variety of highly addictive crack cocaine.Riffing on the id...Read more »
Japan certainly never fails to impress with the weirdness of their commercials. The following "weird japanese ads" prove that there are somethings you just can't understand from the land of the rising...Read more »
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