25 Of The Most Bizarre And Unique Finds On Google Earth
25. A herd of buffalo in Tanzania
24. The Firefox logo in Oregon
23. A guitar shaped forest in Argentina
22. The biggest pool on Earth in Chile
21. A car laying on its side in Germany
20. A car on a wall in the Netherlands
19. A fighter jet in a parking lot in France
18. A whole bunch of jets in the desert of Arizona
17. Some random runways also in the desert of Arizona
16. Ayers rock (the biggest rock Earth) in the middle of Australia
15. A pool full of hippos in Tanzania
14. Lips in the desert of Sudan
13. The bat symbol in Japan
12. An ancient fish trap off the coast of Wales
11. An insanely red lake in Iraq
10. A view of the Eiffel Tower from above
9. A lake shaped like a man in Brazil
8. A huge thumbprint in Great Britain
7. Colonel Sanders in Nevada
6. A Bolivian ferry shipwrecked off the coast of Sudan
5. A capsized South Korean cruise liner
4. A herd of elephants in Chad
3. A mashup of satellite imagery making these Houston skyscrapers lean
2. Hills that look like a face in Alberta, Canada
1. A wedding proposal
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