We couldn't believe it when we first heard about Justin Jedlica, the real life Ken doll - that someone would undergo plastic surgery to resemble a character. Well, it turns out that Justin is not the only fanboy to go through such lengths. Meet Herbert Chavez. The 34-year-old Filipino from the City of Calamba, Laguna has had around 17 plastic surgery procedures (he has lost count) since 1998 just to make himself look like Superman, or more specifically, Christopher Reeve's version of the the Last Son of Krypton.
"I've loved Superman since I was 3 years old," said Chavez to The Daily Beast. "It all started with the Super Friends cartoons. I watched them every Saturday morning. And the person who played Superman that I admire the most is Christopher Reeve in Superman II."
Before his journey to super-transformation began, he was just an acne-riddled 21-year old - just like your average guy at his age. Then, he did rhinoplasty (a.k.a a nose job) in 1998 and more soon followed:
Three more nose jobs to make his "Asian nose" resemble Christopher Reeves'
Silicone lip injections to make them fuller and thicker
Two chin augmentations for that signature Superman cleft
Skin pigment orientation to whiten his face
Three tummy tucks
A butt implant
Hip implants
Thigh implants to make his legs look more muscular
Several steroid injections to various other parts of his body.
Many have concluded that Chavez is just plain suffering from body dysmorphic disorder - one where he or she becomes obsessed with his or her body image and believes it to be inferior. Chavez's take? He says he's just a big, big, BIG Superman fan. So, what does this Superfan have to say about the latest Superman film, Man of Steel? "Totally exciting."
Despite finding it "a perfect movie", he expressed that he wished the fight scenes between Superman and his movie nemesis, General Zod, could have been done a little differently. "It would have been much nicer if Superman threw Zod into an old museum building, flew through the hall, and then Zod was hit by a Kryptonite museum display."
Err, well, you can really tell the guy knows his stuff. As for the hot Henry Cavill playing the part of his childhood hero, Chavez agrees that the actor sports "a good and strong" look but would have been nice if his hair had "curly bangs" - just like Reeve's and his own.
While Chavez's profession was previously given as a 'pageant trainer', these days, he gets paid handsomely to appear at events as "Philippine Superman" - like $600 to $1,000 per appearance - although they're mostly charity work. He also works as a costume designer.
His final words for his interview with The Daily Beast? “Being a superhero is not about one’s costume, nationality, sexuality, or religion,” he says. “Everybody can be Superman because true heroics come from your heart to help, to serve, and to give happiness—especially to children. We must fight for truth, justice, and the HUMAN way!”
Source: The Daily Beast, Mail Online,female
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